with the help of our application, you will be able to capture important moments, creating fabulous photos on your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, and this will undoubtedly become a fascinating hobby for you.
*Burst Mode- allows you to capture several photographs in quick succession.
You will not lose an opportunity to capture the moment even when the subjects are in motion.
-photo archive
-ability to view all photos or each one separately
*Slowshutter Camera- alows you to capture images in slow motion with the help of a custom resolution, shutter speed, and also sensitivity of the device. Countdown timer in integrated into this function.
In photography, shutter speed or exposure time is the length of time a cameras shutter is open when taking a photograph. The amount of light that reaches the film or image sensor is proportional to the exposure time.
-shutter speed 1; 3; 5; 10; 15; 20; 30; ∞
-sensitivity 1, ½ ; ¼ ; 1/8 ;1/16 ; 1/32 ; 1/64
-coundown timer time limit: 3 sec; 10 sec; 15 sec; 30 sec
*Multi-Shot camera allows you to make many photos in a short period of time. You can choose from 1 to 6 frames and then choose the shooting time. Countdown timer has been integrated into this function.
-number of frames per second 1; 3; 4; 6; 8; 12; 24
-frames 3; 5; 10; 20; 30; 45; 60
-countdown timer 3 sec; 10 sec; 1 sec; 30 sec
*Countdown Camera has an in-built stabilizer and a timer. The stabilizer allows you to make pictures when camera is fixed.
-stabilizer mode: low; medium; high
-countdown timer 3sec; 10sec; 15sec; 30sec
*Additional Effects:
*Supports Retina Display on the new iPad
* Supports iPhone 3G/3Gs/4/4S. iPod Touch 4, iPad 2/3
*If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us via freshtouch.us
*Thank you for using our applications and for helping us to improve the quality of our products